See the following for more information:

The eLibrary Manager application is available as both a free and a paid/full application. I would suggest you start with the free version and see what you think. If you like the application and/or would like to support my efforts, please feel free to upgrade to the paid version (I will be much indebted to you!).

Please be aware that, as I add new features, I will be updating the paid/full version and not necessarily the free version. I will be fixing bugs on both versions, however.

Features available only in the full version of the application:

Upgrading from the free version to the paid/full version preserves your data.

Notes On Android Version Support

As eLibrary Manager evolves and support for older version of Android is dropped, I'll continue to make those obsolete versions available for download as much as possible (as long as the app stores hosting them allow that). However, I will not add new features or apply fixes to those obsolete versions.

As of eLibrary Manager version 3.1.8, the application requires a minimum level of Android 4.0 (API 14).

eLibrary Manager versions up to and including 2.0.3 support Android 2.2 (API 8) and higher. As of version 2.0.4, however, the eLibrary Manager application no longer supports Android 2.2, but requires a minimum level of Android 2.3 (API 9). Please note however, that due to peculiarities and/or deficiencies in certain versions of Android, support is most complete on Android 4.0 and up, including ePub 3 support for SVG.

On the Android 2.x platform, there are variations in behaviour of certain features that ePub Reader makes use of, depending on the device manufacturer. If your device runs Android 2.x and the default installation exhibits problems with book content positioning (e.g. positions not saved accurately, highlighting or bookmark failures), then you can try enabling the "Legacy Columns" setting in the Advanced tab of the ePub Reader Settings view. See Legacy Columns for more information.

As of eLibrary Manager version 2.0.1, Dropbox integration for automatic book position synchronization requires Android version 2.3.3 (API 10) or later.

Please note that certain features of eLibrary Manager may not be available on all versions of Android, depending on the platform capabilities that are required for those features.

Free Version

Get it on Google Play Get it at the Amazon Appstore
Get it at the Huawei AppGallery Available on Galaxy Store

For those who do not have access to any of the above app stores, you can download an APK for the free version using the following links (your browser may rename the file on download, so rename the file to have a ".apk" file extension if that is the case):

Paid/Full Version

Get it on Google Play Get it at the Amazon Appstore
Get it at the Huawei AppGallery Available on Galaxy Store