See the following for more information:

Update Book Information

In addition to having the ability to view book information, you can also update most of that information as well. Basic information such as cover, title, author, category, series and description is always available for updating. Other properties that are configured as "Book Information Properties" in the eLibrary Manager settings (see Settings for more information) are also available for update.

To update book information, select the "Edit Book Information" menu item from a book list item context menu. This launches the Edit Book Information view where you can make changes to the book information values. Each information property has a unique set of attributes of its own, such as datatype, multiplicity, and special format constraints, and the user interface allowing you to make updates is tailored to these book information property attributes. You can see examples of this in the screen captures below.

When updating a book cover from an image residing on your device storage, eLibrary Manager makes a copy of the image in its private application storage. Therefore, there is no need to keep the original image around if you wish to delete it.

Bulk Update Book Information

The Edit Book Information view supports bulk book update by allowing you to specify one or more individual book information properties for which you wish to apply an update. If the value for the property is empty, the property is unset for the book. Entering a value for a specific property automatically results in that property being selected.

When the property you wish to update is multi-valued (like Categories/Tags or Authors, for example), you can select an option to apply the update in different ways. The options are

Invoke Edit Book Information
1. Invoke Edit Book Information
Edit Book Information
2. Edit Book Information
Invoke Edit Cover
3. Invoke Edit Cover
Edit Cover
4. Edit Cover
Invoke Edit Authors
5. Invoke Edit Authors
Edit Authors
6. Edit Authors
Invoke Edit Categories
7. Invoke Edit Categories
Edit Categories
8. Edit Categories
Invoke Edit Series
9. Invoke Edit Series
Edit Series
10. Edit Series
Invoke Edit Description
11. Invoke Edit Description
Edit Description
12. Edit Description
Invoke Edit Rating
13. Invoke Edit Rating
Edit Rating
14. Edit Rating
Invoke Edit Publisher
15. Invoke Edit Publisher
Edit Publisher
16. Edit Publisher
Invoke Edit Published Date
17. Invoke Edit Published Date
Edit Published Date
18. Edit Published Date
Invoke Edit Identifier
19. Invoke Edit Identifier
Edit Identifier
20. Edit Identifier
Invoke Edit Custom "Read?" Property
21. Invoke Edit Custom Property
Edit Custom "Read?" Property
22. Edit Custom Property
Bulk Edit Book Info
23. Bulk Edit Book Info
Multi-value Update Options
23. Multi-value Update Options